On Wed, 5 Oct 2011 14:03:47 +0100
Paul Tansom <paul@???> wrote:
> Thanks for the info everybody.
> I may well wait for a bit to see if the new iPhone has an impact on
> pricing, but somehow I doubt it - well, little impact except on older
> iPhone models and I don't want one of those!
And according to 'El Reg' you shouldn't even think about getting the new
Of course I am still very much a 'stick in the mud' as far as
new-fangled gadgets are concerned and am quite happy with my Nokia
2760 on Tesco's payg network. It must be 6 months or more since I
last did a £10 top-up and still have plenty of usage left.
It works as a mobile phone perfectly well, but I haven't even
attempted to set it up for email or web browsing which it apparently
will do. I have occasionally used the camera and have bluetooth usb
dongle to get piccies off the phone onto a pc.
it cost me all of £69 several years ago and will only get replaced if
it breaks. My wife is perfectly happy with her even older Nokia basic
phone and refuses all attempts by a daughter who works for Tesco to
get her an upgrade.
John Lewis
using Debian sid
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