> From: hampshire-bounces@??? [mailto:hampshire-
> bounces@???] On Behalf Of James Courtier-Dutton
> You might want to learn a bit more about how DVDs work. Try my web site
> at:
> http://dvd.sourceforge.net/dvdinfo/
> I created that site while coding the DVD support in xine.
<much useful stuff snipped>
"Want" may be overstating it <G>
That is extremely useful, thank you - I couldn't see that it should be necessary to demux the VOB files, but couldn't find a sensible description of what *is* needed. I shall have a look at your site this evening, horses permitting.
I don't think any of the files will be > 1GB, they've all been generated by an elderly Sony camcorder that writes directly to mini-DVD; convenient for playback, but less wonderful from an ease-of-archiving POV. Oh, and in case anyone was wondering - they're dressage tests...
Thanks again,