Hugo Mills wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 08:54:19PM +0100, Dee Earley wrote:
>> On 29/06/2010 20:49, Jacqui Caren-home wrote:
>>> So if any of you happen to work for someone who can offer a cheapo package
>>> feel free to contact off list. I know biggsd folks would only be too happy to
>>> help advertise your "generosity".
>> I recommend a Bitfolk VPS and any of the numerous free forum packages
>> around with LAMP.
> If you do go down this route, I would take a close look at the
> security implications of the software you choose. The most obvious
> forum app, phpBB, had a truly terrible security record when I looked
> at it a while ago. I found another one called MyBB, which seems to
> have developers with a rather better security outlook.
I am on FD and phpBB is a common visitor there - not a good sign.
Saying this, not sure if that is because it is so old, so commonly used or
just plain bad. The one I like is called fudforum but I have yet to run
serius security tests on it. I do have some fuzzers etc and can set up vz's
at home so can snapshot the vserver then run attacks against a datum etc.
Just not had the free time yet.