Author: Simon Reap Date: To: hampshire Old-Topics: Re: [Hampshire] Cobalt RAQ4 Subject: [Hampshire] headless MPC-L (was Re: Cobalt RAQ4)
On 06/06/2010 14:30, Vic wrote: >
> Cobalt Linux
> expects a Ctrl-D on the keyboard before it will start that. And there is
> no keyboard...
> I wouldn't deploy a RAQ4 into an unattended production environment.
> Vic.
Talking of which, I am happily running my Viglen MPC-L at the moment
doing various 24/7 tasks, but it does not turn itself on after a power
failure, until the front button is pressed. Can anyone suggest a
similarly small + low-powered machine which does turn on when power is
applied, or alternatively, a hack which will make the MPC-L power on? I
know there are various hacks for the NSLU2 to do this, but I haven't
seen anything for the MPC-L.
BTW, one of the things it does is capture BBC7 programmes for my later
amusement - I have noticed that about a week ago, they stopped updating
the realplayer listen-again streams - the streams are still there, but
the programs on them don't change week by week. e.g.
saturday_1000.ra is the Saturday morning 3-hour programme, is still
giving the John Shuttleworth Comedy Controller from 22nd May. Thank
goodness for get_iplayer!