May be of interest. It's not free, but it should be good.
If you want free, Dave does do these courses now and then for
free, but you may have a long wait and it's first come first
----- Forwarded message from Jane Morrison <office@???> -----
From: Jane Morrison <office@???>
To: announce@???
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 10:29:53 +0100
Subject: [UKUUG-Announce] UKUUG & O'Reilly - Perl Training - a few places still available!
A few places still available - book your place today!
Perl Training Days...
Beginning Perl - Tuesday 13th April
Intermediate Perl - Wednesday 14th April
Advanced Perl - Thursday 15th April
Tutor: Dave Cross
Venue: Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London WC1B 5BB
for full course details, delegate fees and on-line booking form
UKUUG Secretariat
PO Box 37
Herts SG9 9UQ
Tel: 01763 273475
Fax: 01763 273255
A Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Office:
The Manor House
Herts SG9 9AB
----- End forwarded message -----
Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK
In a world without walls - who needs windows?
-- anon