>> You can use goo.gl to shorten google results. I use it as a chrome
>> extension. Your link above can be shortened to http://goo.gl/yj4h
> Thanks, John. But erm... how? That is the problem. I can't work out how
> to
> actually _do_ it. From where did you get the yj4h??
Other services, like
http://tinyurl.com or
http://bit.ly do the same
thing, but for all urls, not just googles.
Copy a long url [1], go to the website [2] that will perform the
shortening and paste the url into the obvious box. Press the
"shorten" button and the website generates a short url [3] that you
can then easily cut and paste into an email without fear of it
splitting over lines.
bit.ly also offer the facility to track the number of clicks on the
link that you've shortened, as well as providing a file-sharing
facility and direct access to twitter from the bit.ly homepage.
Hope this helps.
Graeme Hilton