Re: [Hampshire] stuart biggs added you as a business connect…

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Author: Stephen Rowles
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] stuart biggs added you as a business connection on Plaxo
On 02/01/2010 02:51 AM, LinuxLearner wrote:
>>> consent to give Facebook my email). This infuriates me, no end: it's
>> You misunderstand, possibly;
>> Somebody, somewhere (doesn't matter who, or how they got the address),
>> has your email addy stored at (say) GMail. That person decides to use
>> the FB option to mail all their friends invites. You get one. FB don't
>> send you a message then store the info and keep sending you stuff.
> Oh yes oh yes they do ... I have had quite a number of people 'invite'
> me to join facebook over the years ... I've never accepted any of those
> offers ... Yet once a month/quarter/bi-annually {whatever}, I get
> invites i.e. repeatedly (mentioning those persons) from FB, direct.
> I don't know, and don't care to know/care, HOW, exactly, FB got my email
> (whether by direct input from a known party or via said known party(ies)
> allowing FB to access e.g. their web-based address books ... I just
> don't want SPAM, and FB *is* SPAMMING me, without comeback.
> Disgraceful conduct, which needs to be stopped, *immediately*.

There is comeback available. Via the data protection act.

It's easy, simply visit this link:

Open their PDF on "Unwanted marketing", scroll down to page 4. Write an
email to facebook with the contents of the model letter on that page
requiring them to stop processing your details for the purposes of
direct marketing.

They are required under uk law to stop. If they do not then you can
complain to the ICO and they will investigate.

If you don't follow those steps, then under current UK law there is
nothing you can do about it. I would agree that it isn't great but using
the data protection act will get results. It has worked for me on
numerous occasions, I've even had a letter back from the ICO after they
had to follow up on a company that decided to ignore my letter and I've
never had any contact from that company again!

I don't think the laws go far enough, I think it should be extended to
include the right for you to have your data removed from companies
systems, but unfortunately it doesn't. For now the DPA is a very good
way of stopping reputable companies from spamming you, it won't stop
illegal or dis-reputable companies but then no law would ;)