2009/11/12 Victor Churchill <victorchurchill@???>:
> I have it on this laptop as an MP3 on the old Win partition as an
> error message sound file, but haven't been there for a long time. I'll
> see if I can find it...
Intersting. I found it on the WinXP partition and copied it across:
victor@Pan:~/Desktop$ file dave.mp3
dave.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0, contains: MPEG ADTS,
layer III, v1, 80 kbps, 44.1 kHz, Monaural
victor@Pan:~/Desktop$ ls -l dave.mp3
-rwxr-xr-x 1 victor victor 28800 2009-11-12 19:45 dave.mp3
But clicking on it on the desktop, or loading it into Firefox with a
file:///home/victor/Desktop/dave.mp3 URL, both bring up a Totem player
that 'plays' it with no sound. No sound either if I say
victor@Pan:~/Desktop$ aplay dave.mp3
Playing raw data 'dave.mp3' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
This is a recently upgraded-to-9.10 ubuntu. I don't think I have tried
doing anything else involving sound with it since upgrading. I will
send it to my desktop box.
Victor Churchill
The Software Shack, Ltd