I am happy to stand again as host master.
On 10/10/09, Hugo Mills <hugo@???> wrote:
> All -
> I have been asked to run this year's elections to the committee.
> The timetable is that the period for nominations opens today, lasts
> for two weeks, and will close at mid-day on Saturday 24th October. The
> following period, up to the election, is for any hustings or
> campaigning that people may feel it necessary to do. The election will
> be held at the AGM, which will be a small part of the November
> meeting, provisionally scheduled for November the 7th.
> So, as always, I'm asking for nominations and seconds for the
> following five posts:
> Chairman
> Treasurer
> Hostmaster
> General Officer (two posts)
> The incumbents of these posts, for information, are:
> Chairman: Adam Trickett
> Treasurer: Ian Brazier
> Hostmaster: Alan Pope
> GOs: Adrian Bridgett
> Rob Smith
> I'm sure they will announce their willingness or otherwise to stand
> for re-election.
> Nominations are in the form of a mail to this mailing list,
> preferably as a reply to this thread, or with "[nomination]" in the
> subject line, so I can find the mails easily. Please do not nominate
> someone without asking them about it first. Nominated candidates
> should also state their willingness to stand. I will post the current
> ballot paper and reminders of the deadlines at various points over the
> next two weeks. If the process is anything like the usual one, those
> will be accompanied by a plea for more nominations or seconds. :)
> I believe that there is still currently a requirement for voter
> registration. I am seeking guidance on what the current set of rules
> is, and will post those rules to this list as soon as I have them.
> Hugo.
> --
> === Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
> PGP key: 515C238D from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or http://www.carfax.org.uk
> --- Great oxymorons of the world, no. 1: Family Holiday ---