Roger Munford wrote:
> My son, who is quite a good musician, is working with cubase at school.
> I can find "equivalents" easily enough but cannot judge not being in any
> way musical myself. Has anybody personal recommendations?
> Thanks
> Roger
I haven't used Cubase, but I understand it's pretty full-featured.
The standard free software equivalent would be Rosegarden, which is
a decent sequencer . You may have to add other apps for more
functionality, perhaps Ardour for audio editing, plus some plug-in synths.
There are other free software sequencers but Rosegarden is the one I've
used and is recommended.
A music distro such as 64 studio, Ubuntu Studio or Musix would have all
these, with some plug-ins, ready to tinker with. Musix is a live CD if you
want to try it without installation.
Whether your son will find it a useful substitute is another matter