On Fri, Sep 04 at 03:09, Stephen Rowles wrote:
> Ohhhh, now that does look nice, touch screen (supported in Linux I
> assume?). How deep is it with the LCD attached, would it fit inside a
> standard partition wall with the LCD flush on the surface (thinking home
> control device).
Touch screen works with linux (it uses tslib I believe) and is well
supported by the Qt based factory demo, standard mouse operation, a
popup keyboard and some sort of handwriting recognition at least.
There are reports that the touch resolution is a bit limited when used
with the 7 inch LCD option.
As supplied the LCD is mounted on 15mm standoffs making for a total depth
of 28mm. You could lose 4mm off the standoffs without problem. Also the
LCD surround could be removed for another 1mm when mounting on the back
of a new faceplate. My sample has a 25cm flexi strip between the baseboard
and the LCD module so you could mount the two separately.
It comes with a wall wart power supply which is probably the only fly in
the ointment but any 5V supply could be used.
Must admit my first thought for a non-work application was a central
heating/solar water contoller on steroids.
Bob Dunlop