Andy Random wrote:
> Hi,
> I spotted this advertised all over todays copy of the "Metro":
> Virgin are upgrading their 4Mb service to 10Mb "sometime soon".
> That will be a 20 fold increase in speed since I took out the service 5
> or 6 years ago.
My overall capacity has gone down since I joined even though I have had
two "free" speed upgrades. Luckily the boss supplies a DSL line
so I can stay connected when they have thier monthly/weekend "outages".
> I wonder where we will be in another 5 years...
Evidently the future is now - if you believe the lying gits.
I got a very nice letter from NThell telling me that I can have
BB, phone and telly over *my* fibre connection.
The fact that they only supply really crappy copper via street cabs
often without covers (kids use them as skateboard ramps) is ignored.