On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 10:47:50 +0000 (+0000), Richard Danter wrote:
> I am not a great fan of it, but I do understand why the decision was
> made. Key points were that IS works on all the hosts we support -
Ah - you see I don't think IS works on _any_ platform :-)
For example, on AIX, I had an "installshield" package. Firstly this
meant I had to install X-windows on a server. Then it meant I could
not script the install. Thirdly X is really painful over a dial-up
link. Forthly it errored with "unable to install" at which point I
found it was doing an "installp" under the covers - which I then ran
by hand to discover installp saying "mising prereq foo" so I installed
foo and was fine.
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