Simon Huggins wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 03:24:26PM +0000, hantslug@??? wrote:
>> # iface eth0 inet static
>> # address
>> # netmask
>> # gateway
>> # dns-nameservers
>> Can anyone see what is wrong? All suggestions very gratefully received.
> I've never seen dns-nameservers used in an interfaces file but otherwise
> it looks fine.
I think that is a fairly recent development as I note my newer Ubuntu
boxes have this and no entries within /etc/resolv.conf - no harm in
leaving it commented out for the purposes of testing.
> I presume that that address isn't in use by anything else locally and
> that you checked that all the pump or dhclient processes had gone away.
Something along these lines was my first thought: tried an alternative
address Lisi?