Hugo Mills wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 03, 2008 at 03:32:01PM +0000, Dean Earley wrote:
>> Chris Oattes wrote:
>>> The thing is, passphrases are meant to make it so that anyone who obtains
>>> your private key can't use it without knowing the passphrase. If they were
>>> "easy" to break, there wouldn't be any point in using them, as anyone
>>> that got the key could break it just as easily using the same brute force
>>> method. This would make PGP signifcantly less secure.
>> I know, but it CAN still be brute forced.
>> I just haven;t found anything to do it yet :)
> If it can be brute-forced on a single PC in sensible time, then
> it's a pretty poor passphrase...
I think it was, just can't remember what it was :|
Oh well, I guess I'll have to create a new one and try and revoke the
old one.
Dean Earley, Dee (dean@???)
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phone: +44 (0)780 8369596