On Fri, Feb 1, 2008 at 10:49:20 +0000 (+0000), Jack Knight wrote:
> 3) Have any of your clients tried Vista out and not liked it?
Oh yes. Certainly as a company it's caused us grief. I've tried to
paraphrase complaints from colleagues here
a) slow (this is on new, dual-core Dell D630 with 2GB RAM)
b) confusing (more a change from XP, not sure Linux would fair better)
c) software which doesn't work as well as it did (openvpn for example)
It's also worth pointing out Office2007 - which is extremely bloated -
every person who had it installed complained the next day! We upgraded
their (D610 - so about 2/3 years old) laptop from 1GB to 2GB but it's
still not brilliant.
Not that openoffice is exactly speedy :-(
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