On Wed, Dec 5, 2007 at 13:12:14 -0000 (-0000), Samuel Penn wrote:
> On Wed, December 5, 2007 12:10, David Ramsden wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Can anyone recommend an SMS gateway provider? Either one where you can
> > email the provider and this is sent via SMS to a recipient or
> > alternatively a hardware device where a SIM can be used to send the SMS.
> You could plug a mobile phone into the PC, and use something
> like gnokii to send the SMS through it. It's simple, but it
> works.
You can also get dedicated GSM devices I believe (presumably USB these
days). I'd certainly look at going this route - if the network is
down the SMS would at least stand a chance of getting through.
However be aware that SMSes can be both queued and lost - so it's
worth ensuring that nagios resends important alerts until they are
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