To anyone who lives in the borough of Basingstoke and Deane.
The borough has 3000 energy efficient light bulbs to give away. Go along to
the borough web site[1] and sign up and they will send any borough resident a
bulb (assuming they aren't all gone) in the post.
The parish or ward with the most requests as a proportion of it's residents
wins a £1000 prize for an environmental project of their choosing.
Obviously I'd prefer to see my village win, but that doesn't mean that I want
to deprive other borough residents of their free bulb. As long as your
request doesn't prevent Overton from winning, please contact the borough for
your free bulb... ;-)
Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK
"There seems to be something wrong with our ships today"
-- Rear-admiral Sir David Beatty, on seeing the Queen Mary
and the Indefatigable destroyed at the Battle of Jutland