Russell Gadd wrote:
> Ok I'll copy the script below (not sure what the HantsLUG Wiki is).
> A few comments first. This is my first (currently also my latest!) script.
> You will see I used sed to strip commas from my filespecs - this was part
> of
> an attempt to try to deal with filespecs with spaces in, but my
> rudimentary
> bash skills failed me - I couldn't get tar to accept what I gave it when
> there were spaces in. I have resolved not to use spaces in names from now
> on. The script might need a bit more tweaking for robustness, but it does
> work ok.
Hi Russell
Been a bit busy and just come across this post again. The script is
interesting. Did you post it on the wiki after all? Can I suggest you make
sure you add some more comments explaining what you are doing, i.e.
you use rsync -rltD --delete --modify-window=3601
why are you using the --modify-window=3601 for example for robustness.
To ensure others can use your script you should consider using positional
parameters so a user can specify on the command line which directories
will be operated on, both directories to be backed up and to where.
Also have you set this this shell option: shopt -s -o nounset - to ensure
you get an error message when you try to expand a variable that has not
been set / declared / initialised? i.e. as a catch all - I'm wondering if
this is a default in bash or not.
Sorry for pickiness but it was an itch I had to scratch:)
Damian Brasher
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