James Ashburner wrote:
> I'm looking for a web based IRC client for use by someone who can't use
> anything that invloves a download/install of any kind of software.
> Unfortunately, this cuts out the easiest option of using PJIRC.
> Does anyone know of something that might work? One possibility is a CGI
> based client but I've not been able to get this one to work:
> http://cgiirc.org/
I'm a member of staff at an IRC network and we utilise CGI-IRC in a big
way (a growing portion of our users like CGI-IRC and use it all the time!).
> Their documentation is... sparse :) I've not used CGI before at all, so
> perhaps some help with exactly how this should be set up is what I need.
If memory serves I generally just read the included README/INSTALL and
configured the options. What sort of problems are you having?
> This will be going on my webserver which runs ClarkConnect, which is
> based on CentOS.
Does that give you the ability to run custom perl/cgi stuff?