We have quite a few talks arranged for tomorrow - many thanks
to all the volunteers.
It would be nice to get some Greeters down - particularly for the
first couple of hours:
The full Agenda can be found at
http://hants.lug.org.uk/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?4thAugust2007 :
* Doors open @10:30
* Email clients @11:30
o SMTP/IMAP/POP3 - what are they intro
o Claws - JohnLewis
o Evolution - AlanPope
o Gmail - VictorChurchill
o Kmail - AdamTrickett
o Mutt - AdrianBridgett
o Roundcube - TonyWhitmore
o Thunderbird - JimKissel
* udev - AdamTrickett @14:00
* Python Web Frameworks - AliAfshar @ 15:00
o and hopefully a lightning talk on [PIDA] too
* Shell Scripting tutorial - AdrianBridgett @ 16:00
Email: adrian@??? -*- GPG key available on public key servers
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