I think I may possibly have one of these, as I never throw away power
I'll try and make it up to the loft today and will bring it along to
tomorrow's session if my search is successful.
> On the power plug: if you want a genuine Psion one, £7.99 + £2.99
> postage isn't *that* extortionate; if you want a new one from Clove
> Technology, it'll cost you £14 + VAT & delivery, so you'd not get much
> change out of £20...
> Ian
> --
> Ian Park
> 17 Pyle Hill
> Newbury
> Berkshire
> RG14 7JJ
> Tel: +44 (0)1635 821420
> GSM: +44 (0)7785 300290
> email: ian@???
> --
> Please post to: Hampshire@???
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> LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk
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