I'm thinking we could organise a HantsLUG Team for 'Software Freedom
For information on what this is:
I know others in the Lug have attended these events before, but if there
is enough interest I think we could organise our own event. This could
be something like handing out FOSS cd's (Ubuntu 'The Open CD'[1]) and
really just adverting/advocating FOSS in general.
Initially I would like to get an indication of who is interested, so
either reply here; or off-list if you are shy :)
If there is sufficient interest I will register a team before the end of
this month, meaning we get free T-shirts[2]. We are not guaranteed a
t-shirt for everybody (but hopefully will), but I think it's fair if
these are awarded on a first to commit basis. So act now! ;)
Kind Regards,
Dave Walker