Adam wrote:
> Have you tried cURL from the Windows and the Linux box?
Nope; I've just started reading about it.
> I think Perl does the right thing, what does your script look
> like and what errors do you
> get back?
That's what I'd have assumed. The script stalls waiting for an ack from the server - and the server believes it is 55 chars short each time. Adding in the $CRLF on the sockets doesn't seem to have changed things, unfortunately.
You may reasonably derive from the script that I don't get to do much Perl...
# Perl-base upload/download script
# For a given list of files, attempt to upload each in turn to the encoder.
# Wait, then download the alarm file & store it.
# Repeat for as many iterations required.
# NB - no error checking in this version.
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
# Modify as needed:
@upload_list = (
$target_ip = "";
$dest_path = "/tcf";
$alarm_file = "tcf";
$upload_delay = 3;
$iterations = 2;
print "HTTP Upload/download test\n";
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
foreach $xml_file (@upload_list)
print "$xml_file:\n";
for $i (1 .. $iterations)
print "Iteration $i of $iterations\n";
print "Upload $xml_file\n";
$/ = $CRLF;
$res = $ua->request(POST "http://$target_ip/" . "$dest_path",
Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data',
Content =>
cgi => 'dcp',
method => 'set',
path => '/',
localfile => ["$xml_file"]
if ($res->is_success)
print "ok\n";
print $res->status_line, "\n";
print "Done.\n";
$download_file = "$xml_file" . "_" . "$i";
print "Download $download_file from $alarm_file\n";
$downloaded_file = $ua->request(GET "http://$target_ip/$alarm_file",
cgi => 'dcp',
method => 'errors');
# Write downloaded file out
open ($outfile, $download_file);
print ($outfile, $downloaded_file);
close ($outfile);
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