Tim wrote:
> These two links were posted on a forum I frequent. Ok yes one Bill Gates is in
> the first video but look past that and watch the video. Some of the stuff
> they are playing with in the second video is quite amazing
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WIkrQu0-v0
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD8Sg21m4AM&NR=1
They both look very nice, but to be honest, I've seen demo videos going
around for the last few years but nothing actually made available :|
Sadly, I can't remember the address of the best demo I've found.
Dean Earley, Dee (dean@???)
irc: irc://irc.blitzed.org/
web: http://personal.earlsoft.co.uk
phone: +44 (0)780 8369596