A very useful reminder from Jono Bacon about LUG Radio Live whic
happens this weekend. Definitely one of the top Linux events in the
UK. And now over to Jono:
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Can I ask a small favour - could you all post a quick message to your
LUGs about LUGRadio Live 2007 in Wolverhampton on the 7th and 8th
July. Over 40 speakers, a full exhibition, stacks of exciting debates
and sessions, a live LUGRadio recording and more, and for ?5 for the
entire weekend. :)
LUGRadio Live is all about community, is completely community driven,
and shaping up to be a great event. With this in mind, I would
appreciate letting your communities know about the event. I know a
number of LUGs will be there, and there is a lug,org.uk BOF, so it
could be a great opportunity to meet other LUG people. :)
More information is at
www.lugradio.org/live :)
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