john lewis wrote:
> On Tue, 05 Jun 2007 22:39:54 +0100
> rob <rob@???> wrote:
>>> speaking personally my experiences with using RH up to ver 5.2 has
>>> permanently affected my attitude to anything from that stable -
>>> I hates 'em :-)
>> Fortunately for everyone else in the world, things have moved on in
>> the last 9 years. :/
> One good thing did come out of my use of RedHat, I cannot remember
> the first version I used but I know I had 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2. I don't
> recall what the default window manager was but clearly I didn't
> like it and moved to using WindowMaker instead and have stayed with
> it ever since. I have tried pretty well every other window
> manager/desktop in existence but nothing else suits me as well as
> wmaker.
IIRC, it defaulted to gnome back then (if you had a powerful enough
machine :)
Dean Earley, Dee (dean@???)
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