[Hampshire] Essential info with questions - Was Local webser…

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Author: Damian Brasher
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Old-Topics: [Hampshire] Local webserver problem
Subject: [Hampshire] Essential info with questions - Was Local webserver problem
Tim Wrote:
> I can't seem to open any of my web site locally on my apache web server,
> in
> the past I have entered into my broswer "192.168.**.**\websitename" and
> the
> web site has appeared locally with out a problem. If I put the web server
> IP
> address in I get the apacheweb server "Its works!" message.
> I have tried viewing the web pages from the web server but that failed
> also.
> The webserver is only local and does not serve the outside world
> Any suggestion??

For the list and lurkers like me, I generally try to answer questions
diagnosing from the bottom up so it is always useful to have as much info
as possible, like Linux distro and any background information and any
special configuration changes you have made to the service. In this case
installing another package that has an HTTP servlet can do damage without
you realizing to port 80 services. It is good then for the outside world
when they view Hants LUG questions. Not a moan just a hint observation
guide thingy.

Damian B

Damian Brasher
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