Tim wrote:
> I can't seem to open any of my web site locally on my apache web server,
> in
> the past I have entered into my broswer "192.168.**.**\websitename" and
> the
> web site has appeared locally with out a problem. If I put the web server
> IP
> address in I get the apacheweb server "Its works!" message.
> I have tried viewing the web pages from the web server but that failed
> also.
> The webserver is only local and does not serve the outside world
What distro are you running?
Just to be sure is your apache server running, to check run
~#ps -e | grep apache
~#ps -e | grep httpd
and check if there is an entry in the output.
Try clearing the web cache in your browser, that is all offline files.
Try entering or
http://locahost and see if they work and
finally do you have a firewall set up on the machine?
Damian B
Damian Brasher
All mail scanned by clam-av