Re: [Hampshire] ADSL Charges

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Author: Chris. Aubrey-Smith
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] ADSL Charges
To clarify my earlier posting, I had struggled for a while to cut loose from
an unco-operative ISP. Some time afterwards, (when it was too late to affect
my situation) I read somewhere that someone who'd had a similar problem had
sued an ISP and it had been ruled an illegal restriction of trade (or some
such) to place obstacles in the way of someone who wished to switch
suppliers. I regret that old age and advancing senility prevent my recalling
exactly where I read that.


On 01/05/07, Duncan B. <duncan@???> wrote:
> On Tue, 1 May 2007, Chris. Aubrey-Smith wrote:
> > I thought that this had recently been shown to be illegal?
> >
> > CAS
> Yes, it was my understanding that BT were introducing a cessation
> charge of around 30 pounds.
> Ofcom are trying to make gaining MAC codes as easy as possible.
> Cheers.
> Duncan
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