Re: [Hampshire] [OT] Can anyone help me with some PHP?

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Author: Vic
To: hampshire
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] [OT] Can anyone help me with some PHP?
> I dont think this is a gettext issue, gettext is for localisation of
> language used.

Yep. This looks like a language localisation thing.

> I'm sure that this is some sort of typo in the code. I've not been able to
> get to the Enterprise Groupware System site, so I cant get the code to
> look at it.

There's a lot of typos if that's the case - there are a load more similar
strings elsewhere in the code. This one I've mentioned is just the first

> Could you send me the config.php and index.php files.

I'll stick them at in a bit (I'm using the
wrong confuser at the moment).
