Andy wrote:
> I'm looking for a way to tell when a tag was applied to a file in a CVS
> repository?
Ive been looking CVS this week so some ideas to share to bring the
question back into forum...
> Can someone suggest the correct incantation of the cvs history command to
> extract information about who applied what tag when or point me towards
> some decent documentation (I've read several sets of documentation on cvs
> history which seem rather vague or incomplete) on the command?
Looks like the history has a show all Tag information switch -T and -c for
time commitment, for when a repository was modified, but there must be a
CVSROOT/history file which you seem to have, something like...
#history --report -T -c
just a hint from the blind, reference: looks quite clear.
Hope this helps
Damian B
Damian Brasher
All mail scanned by clam-av
'from the order of the Black Bonsai'