>> Well, WBEL installs apache in a fairly sane manner - the docroot is sat
>> at
>> /var/www/html, and there's even a test page to show that it's working.
> Sure. That's true of every Linux I've used, including the one in this
> case... but the default install happens not to have mod_proxy built
> in.
It does in WBEL. I'm using it...
> (from which I infer: re-run
> the configure to include the module as a config option, then do the
> make stuff)
You seem to be confusing "rebuild" with "change config"...
There is a "configure" step prior to the build in most things these days -
but that's primarily to build the right makefile first. This is unrelated
to the server config files you edit later.
Modifying the config files does not involve recompiling the server; the
only problem here, apparently, is that you haven't got the mod_proxy
module built. I'd put that down to an issue with the vendor package...
> Ah. Trouble is when you do that (which I did first) it says the error
> quoted previously. ( "...defined by a module not included in the
> server configuration")
> I agree, if the module is already available then there's no fancy
> stuff required, just edit the .conf.
[vic@goliath ~]$ rpm -qf /usr/lib/httpd/modules/mod_proxy.so
[vic@goliath ~]$ rpm -qi httpd | grep -i host
Install Date: Wed 08 Mar 2006 09:00:22 GMT Build Host:
So that's not even one I built :-)
(and yes - I know that's out of date. But I don't use apache on this box).
> What is this vendor package that is being talked about? I'm sitting on
> a ubuntu box atm and there's not anything that looks like that here.
> (The works box in question is a RH box, which I don't know that well).
Well, I'm a bit lost with Ubuntu, but if you do something like "apt-get
install apache", you'll get an appropriate vendor package. Or maybe it's
called httpd - I can't remember.
My experience of Ubuntu is that it often breaks major packages down into
multiple installable packages (don't get me started on Ubuntu's Webmin
setup...). You might find that mod_proxy is available as a
separately-installable package.
Still - WBEL (that I keep harping on about) is essentially identical to
RH, so what I've posted so far should be of use when you're at work.
>> Well, laziness is exactly why I'm so keen on packaging :-)
> generally, yes. But when the going gets tough...
...The tough get rpmbuilding :-)
[It really is easier in the long run...]