On Saturday 17 Feb 2007 17:58, Damian Brasher wrote:
> Lisi wrote:
> >
> > title Auftakt
> > # unhide (hd1,0)
> > # hide (hd0,0)
> > # rootnoverify (hd1,0)
> > hide (hd0,0)
> > map (hd1,0)(hd0,0)
> > map (hd0,0)(hd1.0)
> > rootnoverify (hd0,0)
> > makeactive
> > chainloader +1
> > boot
> I was looking through this:
> http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/GRUB_Howto_and_Trouble-shooter
> and
> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&postid=1413211
> Basic question but does the XP partition boot when you unplug the Linux
> drive and make XP primary master?
Yes - I don't even have to unplug it. All I have to do to make it boot is
change the boot order in teh BIOS. So teh drive is basically fully
When I am doing it myself I am quite happy to dual boot by altering teh BIOS -
but I am not happy to ask my husband to do it; a mistake could cause me too
many problems, and it is certainly not something I could explain to him. His
choosing where he wants to go in GRUB is feasible. Anyway, it is time I
mastered GRUB.
> Just an observation but I see you have omitted:
> hide (hd0,0)
I have tried both with that in and with it out. :-(
> What you need to do next is set aside an hour or two
I have spent a good six!!
> go through every
> step of the above guides with a fine tooth comb and note down the results
> with pen and paper (or whatever) until you have built a picture of how
> grub views your disk configuration, file types, partition layout, kernel
> locations. The key here is how grub 'sees' things.
There is no problem with the Linux disk and GRUB sees it accurately, provided
I allow it to see it as (hd0,0). In fact, it won't change from that.
It is quite clear that it thinks Windows is on (hd1,1) and that there is a fat
file system there. And I have now changed Menu.lst to reflect this. (When I
checked, this was one variation on the theme which I had not tried.)
> You should get to the stage when you can type the grub commands to boot
> into MS XP then you can make these permanent.
> Hope this is not too vague,
No - it is very helpful. I found something to try that I had not so far
tried. So thank you. All help very gratefully received. :-)