On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Mat Grove wrote:
> It gets rejected during the SMTP conversation though - very little CPU
> and as little bandwidth used possible. Is this still too much for you?
Unfortunately the ISP I use for my connections charges extra to allow
SMTP. Yes I could use another ISP, but I don't presently want to lose an
account & domain with this one and subscribing with a third ISP is yet
more expense that I can do without. My total _personal_ internet bill is
already somewhere around UKP 500 pa, including 'phone line rental.
> sudo grep "me@matthewgrove" /var/log/exim4_in/mainlog | wc -l
> 13
Not quite sure what this is supposed to prove, but...
cerana: grep "g\..*@gscott.co.uk" /var/log/mail | wc -l
cerana: grep "\..*@basingstoke-beekeepers.org.uk" /var/log/mail | wc -l
cerana: grep "\..*@wildlife-central.com" /var/log/mail | wc -l
cerana: grep "\..*@scottsoundsystems.com" /var/log/mail | wc -l
cerana: grep "\..*@scottsoundsystems.co.uk" /var/log/mail | wc -l
cerana: grep "\..*@s3l.co.uk" /var/log/mail | wc -l
cerana: grep "ukfsn" /var/log/mail | wc -l
...though I hadn't realised basingstoke-beekeepers was being hit so hard.
I see only about a dozen of those each day.
Must explore that :-(
There are other `dead' addresses apart form those above, but you get the picture.
I have already discarded one domain.
> So today so far I have had 13 try, down from hundreds of spams per day
> when it was in use.
Well sub 1000 is much, much, better than I used to have, but then I do
also have external filtering on all accounts and and bounce blocking on
my connection ISP.
My loss of SMTP delivery when I changed to DSL was and remains a _severe_
handicap in rejecting spamabout which I frequently lobby. I may soon pull
the plug and move elsewhere, where I _can_ get SMTP.
Gordon Scott http://www.gscott.co.uk
Linux ... Because I like to *get* there today.