RE: [Hampshire] One box, 2 NICs - but with the same MAC addr…

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Author: Bond, Peter
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: RE: [Hampshire] One box, 2 NICs - but with the same MAC address
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hampshire-bounces@???
> []On Behalf Of Jacqui Caren

> You could bond the interfaces together. never done it but it is
> possible. Usually used to get higher bandwidth.
> "hacking" towo interfaces into one will cause oodles of trouble with
> networking outside the box and internal routing tables.

And then some. I'm extremely concerned by the idea that these should both be live simultaneously, rather than a failover scenario. Starting to feel strongly that passing the problem off to firmware is a better approach.

> IMHO two net cards on a single network are far less likely to
> fail than
> other components of the system. This must be some kick ass system
> to be focussing upon net cards as a single point of failure.

Not so much the I/Fs themselves, more "the network" (i.e. some component we haven't even done a risk analysis on, and can't control anyway) failing requiring a shift to the alternate physical network. AFAIK, none of the rest of the network can support similar functionality...



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