Reposted from the Dorset Lug mailing list
Please don't contact me as I know nothing
The British Computer Society (BCS) Open Source
Specialist Group (OSSG) will be holding the following
event, which LUG members may be interested in
Wi-fi and Open Source - Bournemouth, 31/01/07
Paul Mccreeth of DCCIS (Defence College of CIS) will
give a talk on Wi-fi and Open Source at The Cobham
Lecture Theatre, Bournemouth University, Fern Barrow,
Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset BH12 5BB on Wednesday,
31st January 2007. DCCIS has a remit to teach all
types of communication based subjects to all branches
of the MOD (Army/ Navy/ RAF) as well as civilian MOD
staff and civil servants. Fuller details to follow…
Time: 1900 for a 1930 hours start.
Free buffet and refreshments including wine.
Event URL:
Mark Elkins
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