Tim wrote:
> I have two machines, one is my desktop (titan) and the other is my server
> (sun, both on the same network). I am trying to rsync my home directory
> on "titan" to my server "sun" as a backup. I have tried various location
> e.g. /var/mybackups and in my home directory (see command below).
> mit@Titan:~$ rsync -avz -e "ssh -l mit" /home/mit/
> The user mit has an account on both machines with the same password but
> everytime I do the rsync command I get errors like:
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/home/mit/titan-backup/web" failed: Permission
> denied (13)
> *** Skipping everything below this failed directory ***
> and
> rsync: mkstemp "/home/mit/titan-backup/.appli doc v2.doc.F1Mc9l" failed:
> Permission denied (13)
> The few files and folders it does copy over, it places them in /home/mit/ on
> the "server"
> Both boxes are running debian etch
> Any suggestion
> Tim
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I do something very similar , I push the backup to our backup server
which is running rsync daemon.
Have you setup sshkeys ? this was the first thing that I had to do and
this removed the need to passwords. This is how I set them up (sorry
it's bit brief but only got rough notes *grin* )
On the machine to be backed up (titan)
ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 4096
(just hit enter for all the questions)
chmod 0644 ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
copy ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub to rsync server (sun) into /root/.ssh
cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys
Then you can run a command like this on titan
/usr/bin/rsync -avz /home/titan/ sun:/home/backups/titan**
The only thing you might have to do is to enter sun's IP address in
titans hosts file to save using IP addresses. Also be really careful of
the /'s at the end of lines such as /home/titan/ is different to
/home/titan , I can't remember what they mean but one copies the whole
directory over so you'd get on sun /home/backups/titan/xxxx where as
without you'd get /home/backups/xxxxx where xxxx is the content of the
directory, running rsync with the -n flag is useful for dry runs.
Sorry if you knew this already but it caught me out a few times :-)
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily
the views of Portsmouth College