Andy Smith <andy@???> wrote:
> So,
> No more non-GPL Linux kernel modules 12 months from now:
> But Linus doesn't think it's the right thing to do:
> What do you think?
I'm with Trovalds on this:
"Was the point to alienate people by showing how we're less about the
technology than about licenses?"
I respect RMS/FSF/GPL and all he/they/it have done for GNU/Linux/FOSS
computing, but to make use of my Viewsonic 201b in glorious 1600x1200
mode, I needed to load a non-GPL'ed Nvidia driver. I used EasyUbuntu to
resolve a number of problems with the default install. Doing so, I
didn't have to sign a NDA, fore-swear the GPL, or drink the Koolaid.
What am I going to do post January 2008?
....or will their be a fork in the kernel? I suspect a fork myself with
the purists going with the no non-GPL modules and the rotw with the
current status quo. I'm sure Microsoft will Astroturf this one as it's
just too good an opportunity to split the GNU/Linux/FOSS community.