Author: hantslug Date: To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: [Hampshire] QTParted and /boot
On Saturday 09 Dec 2006 17:59, Sean Gibbins wrote: > Perhaps if you can give us an
> indication of what you are aiming towards, we can advise accordingly?
I am aiming towards having various different partitions and then several
different distros on the same HD. Purely as an exercise. And one of the
schemes that I was trying to follow advised practically everything separate.
At this juncture I would be happy with almost any scheme that works - I have
so far partitioned when installing and have never partitioned first. I have
been to classes and read books and they all tell me what I ought to do - but
not one of them tells me how. So I am trying to partition and then install.
But it is not a production machine - it is a learning exercise. My inability
to partition is becoming ridiculous.
And I also want to have a separate MBR and possibly a separate /boot in order
to have grub and various distros. But I can do that as a separate exercise,
if that would be your advice.