On 11/23/06, Tony Whitmore <tony@???> wrote:
> The chk_isp script from
> http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/shell-scripts/
> I wrote it for the same purpose - getting some stats with which to beat
> my ISP.
> Cheers,
> Tony
That's fabulous, I did spot on minor flaw, you need to create
/var/log/isp.log if it doesn't already exist, with the correct string
in it,
echo `date`" Serivce Up" > /var/log/isp.log
Other wise you get an error "./chk_isp.sh: line 40: [: !=: unary
operator expected"
Thanks again, now I'll have something to look at when the wife
complains the network has been up and down all day :)