Jack Knight wrote:
>> No, we have used Windows and rejected it as poor quality software
>> with limited features. Have you heard about not using MS software
>> until after version 3?
> Service pack 3 IMHO. But that is indeed a common corporate stance.
Yes, very true. I was thinking of Windows 3.1/95/98 too ("Just say no to
Microsoft", Tony Booth).
> It all boils down to this: If you are interested in the basics of how
> things work, have an open mind and are willing to learn, play and
> experiment then FOSS can work well for you. If you don't care about
> improving things, don't want to learn new things and are happy to
> follow sheep-like along, clicking and pressing buttons like an
> automaton then avoid it like the plague and go pay the man your money.
That is fair enough by me.
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